Mud Jeans winner of the Circle Challenge

The young jeans label Mud Jeans (2008) was the first winner of the Circle Challenge, awarded  by The Circle Economy. The company knew how to convert  the highly original principles of the circular economy into a working business model.
The prize fits entirely in the mind of the circular economy, where materials are incinerated after use, but again reused. At the recently opened new offices Mud Jeans in Rhenen therefore air purifying Desso carpet has been placed, the windows are given a layer of durable paint by Sikkens, the furniture will be delivered by Haworth and a live plant wall by Mostert Winter.
The LED light comes from Philips, but director Bert van Son cannot keep all of this.  According to the principles of the circular economy van Son only gets the ‘performance’ of the products this is according to the Turntoo model of architect Thomas Rau. Van Son translated the concept to the “fast consumer goods, products with a faster lifecycle than a building and all that is attached to it.
Mud Jeans
Mud Jeans produces fashion while respecting humanity and our environment. Our brand is a unique snowflake in consciously not using conventional clothes production methods. This means we are proud of having all the big Eco certificates; Flo ID (Fairtrade Labeling Organisations), MADE-BY and GOTS.
Biologically; right from the start of the process, our base products like cotton, bamboo, soy and eucalyptus are grown without synthetic herbicides, pesticides  or artificial fertilizers.
Ecologically; Mud Jeans uses only environmentally friendly and recyclable materials in producing and getting you into your favorite brand of clothes.
Durability; we’re perfectly happy to work with our suppliers, producers and entrepreneurs, that have proven themselves in our shared passion for durability
Carbon neutral; If you’ve read this far then we can help you in concluding that we at Mud Jeans don’t have a negative impact on our environment
Fair-trade; fair is fair, so that’s why we believe that our suppliers, producers and partners should get an honest price for their products or services.
You won’t find any child labor involved in any of our products.
Partners and certificates; we love exchanging and communicating with our partners on such themes like improving social, economical or ecological conditions during the production process of your clothes. That way here at Mud Jeans we can monitor and improve where we can on a structural level.
Max Havelaar
Max Havelaar is a Dutch hallmark for Fair Trade products. Their main concern has always been that farmers get a fair and honest price for the raw materials they produce and deliver in the Netherlands. The farmers get the benefit of the support and quality control from the people at Max Havelaar. What is known in Holland as Max Havelaar resorts under the Fairtrade organization called FLO. To tell you a little bit about how things work out for the farmers, the ones that work with a Max Havelaar seal of approval, are member of a coop. The coops in turn see to it that the farmers get a fair price for their crops.
The farmers also get updates on best practices in land management and on environmental skills. In the returns the coop gets an extra bonus, which is spent on a communal need. This could be a new well, green energy supplies, better roads, but the bonus can  also go towards educational needs, as simple as school books for the children or towards a teachers wage, another part of the return scheme can be credits for farmers. So you see that way Max Havelaar contributes towards the entire village. The Max Havelaar mark of quality on a product means that that product  is conform with the Fairtrade guidelines as described by the Fairtrade Labeling Organization (FLO). We are pleased to tell you our FLO id number for Mud Jeans is 23730.
GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) is an international standard with really tight guidelines for biological textile. This standard sets the bar for any product  (like a T shirt, pair of pants or towel) wanting to call itself “biological”, “green” or “bio”. A product can call itself “Green” when all its raw materials involved (like cotton) were produced without any herbicides, pesticides or artificial fertilizers, but that’s just a part of the story; the beauty lies in the whole process to produce clothing in being sustainable and environmentally friendly. The standard focusses also on keeping the coloring and washing clean and green during production.
MADE-BY is an umbrella label that fashion brands are using  to show you, as a  consumer, that every care has been taken to produce the clothes you want to wear, in a sustainable way.
The brands under MADE-BY use “green” cotton and work with sewing workplaces that use best practices and good codes  of conduct on the work floor. MADE-BY is the first fashion initiative that covers the environmental as well as best practices for labor aspects in the whole production process of clothing. You can recognize the brands that partnered with MADE-BY, by the blue button.
Lease a Jeans
Mud Jeans introduced ‘Lease a Jeans’, an innovative fashion concept,  that not only makes  fashion affordable, but also really sustainable.  As of now everyone is able to lease sustainable jeans for a fixed low amount per month.
This concept makes sure that sustainable fashion is affordable for everybody. The jeans are created of organic and recycled cotton and are 100% responsibly produced. When a Mud Jeans is returned, the manufacturer will use them to create new jeans.
Ware carelessly and sustainably
Users of the Lease Jeans will have a few advantages: staggered payments and a free repair service during the lease period when you for instance have a hole in your jeans. A healthy sustainable jeans is now within a hand reach. You can also decide for yourself if you are ready for a new model. The concept of Lease a Jeans fits beautifully in the trend of today: Using and reusing products is more important than actually owning products.
When creating the jeans it has been taken into account that it can be recycled completely. Mud Jeans will make new jeans out of the used biological cotton pants, so less cotton is needed. With ‘Lease a Jeans’,  Mud Jeans responds to the increasing scarcity of raw materials and forms a catalyst for the circular economy, based on the reuse of raw materials
